Wobblers 13-24 mo

Our wobbler room is designed for children ages 12 to 24 months.  At this age children are becoming more mobile and are enthusiastic about exploring the world around them.  They also begin to seek the familiarity of routine.  At Joyland we have developed a daily schedule to meet their physical, social-emotional, language development and cognitive needs.  In addition, we have a weekly theme schedule designed with their age in mind that explores items such as shapes, colors, animals and holidays. All of our activities are based upon our curriculum and our Wobblers Goals and Objectives.

We provide all the food your child will need throughout the day including breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. A schedule is provided below that outlines our meal times as well as our diaper changing times which occurs approximately every two hours.

Classroom Goals:

  • Provide an array of activities to stimulate their development
  • Expose children to new concepts including letters, numbers, sign language, colors and shapes through the use of repetition and age-appropriate activities
  • Provide parents with excellent communication on daily activities
  • Maintain a flexible daily schedule that meets each child’s needs
  • Encourage interest in books by reading in groups and individually


7:00-8:50         Arrival/Free Play/Clean Up

8:50-9:10         Morning Snack

9:10-9:30         Diaper Changes/Gross Motor

9:30-10:00       Outside/Big Toy/Handwashing

10:10-10:20     Group & Individual Book Time/Signing Time

10:20-10:40     Art & Fine Motor Activities

10:40-10:55     Free Play

10:55-11:05     Story/Music

11:05-11:30      Lunch

11:30-12:00     Diaper Changes or Potty/Prepare for Nap

12:00-2:00       Naptime

2:00-2:30         Diaper Changes or Potty/Quiet Activities

2:30-3:10         Outside/Big Toy Time/Handwashing

3:10-3:30         Afternoon Snack

3:30-3:45         Group Time

3:45-4:15         Learning Centers/Diapers

4:15-4:30         Table Toys

4:30-6:00         Free Play/Departure